Walking Together: How Pinksocks Are Inspiring Compassion and Connection in Cancer Care
The charm of pinksocks lies in their ability to cultivate genuine connections.
This was a greeting from a “LinkedIn friend” when we met face-to-face for the first time the other day.
That feeling, right there – I wish I could bottle it!
If the last two decades of my professional career have taught me anything is that people you choose to place in your circle matter.
But what I’ve come to realise is that while we mindfully and carefully choose the select few people into our circle, sometimes they are chosen for us. A gift gifted to teach, guide, carry, validate, or push us.
How we connect with other humans matters!
Most of us put a lot of effort and life hours into learning – to know more, working hard – to achieve more, perfecting our manners – to be kind to others, dressing with style – to look and feel good, and it is rather lovely when another person notices the attention to detail that we consider valuable to commit our whole selves to.
I notice people. I notice details about people. I notice aspects of their character, their body language, their attire, their intellect that stands out about them.
I often compliment perfect strangers, which results in both of us blushing, smiling, laughing! It also opens up a colourful and wholly reaffirming conversation that two perfect strangers could ever hope to have.
My connections, sometimes intentional, sometimes serendipitous, have opened doors, resulted in exciting opportunities, and at times, have grown into lasting friendships.
Our connections with other humans matter.
You may never know the ripple effect of “you”.
But know that – you being you has extraordinary power!
Use it for good.
The charm of pinksocks lies in their ability to cultivate genuine connections.
Moments like these are a testament to the
profound influence and love a mother holds in her child’s heart.
Then Ms. Reynolds looked at me and said “we’re changing the world.” And, I replied with gratitude, “yes, you are.”
“The exponential ripple effect of goodness that these beautiful children in El Paso are creating across the universe through the timeline of their and our lives…..that’s the ROI of #pinksocks!”