I Want to be Seen Because I Want to Help

"I want to be seen because I want to help. via @R1chardatron"

Post written by Richard Corbridge

A simple pair of pinksocks can change your world! Pair by pair pinksocks have become the new paradigm in connectedness for healthcare IT professionals all over the world. To have a pair that you can gift on enables you to become the Network Effect Technology!

My first pair arrived from the Netherlands, from Ignar Rip, a simple gift of a few pairs to pass on, to create a little enclave of pinksocks for an Irish health care conference, in this case the socks represented more than a new connection for technology people, they represented an awareness of improving Dementia care globally, they also created me a new friend who loves a variety of music and believes in the transformation of health care.

Being able to pass the socks on at the Future Health summit to such giants of the industry like Andy Kinnear and Rachel Dunscombe was a great pleasure, seeing the founders of One Health Tech Ireland in the socks as they began to formulate the plans for creating diversity in our industry was also a great thrill.

In just three connections the socks were making more difference than Block Chain is yet to make on health care!

Next came the wonderful Roy Lilley and Shane Tickell at the first Irish HealthChat, live from sunny Dun Laoghaire, pinksocks times three now made it on to live TV and still represented partnerships and friendships coming from working together. Over the last three years we have worked hard with team in Dun Laoghaire to try to ensure there are ways that an Irish company with an amazing idea can be supported by the Irish health care system that needs their amazing ideas. pinksocks in action for another reason!

Last but by no means least is the pinksocks feature at Health Innovation week, a pair of the pinksocks 2.0 gifted to every speaker at the main event ensured that they then featured in the whole week of events. It didn’t matter if you were the newest digital engagement expert from Samsung, the CEO of CHIME or the Minister for Health, in that week pinksocks became the way to connect.

Nick Adkins finishes his recent TEDx in San Francisco by asking everyone in the audience to turn to someone they don’t know and with intent say, “I See You!” Three words that can make a connection.

So for me pinksocks is…

…a new connection, a new way of seeing people, not roles, not prejudices, not functions, not end game goals, but real people, who, if we truly make the connection we will be able to have help in everything we do.

I want to be seen because I want to help.

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Then Ms. Reynolds looked at me and said “we’re changing the world.” And, I replied with gratitude, “yes, you are.”

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2 Responses

  1. I have almost 30 years working in healthcare, on the device company side. Plus I have extensive, intensive experience, personaly, with friends and family, in mental health problems, cancer treatments (positive & negative), dementia care, multiple ER visits, multiple hospitalizations, major surgeries, etc… How can apply my medical knowledge and empathy to help with patient empowerment? I live in Austin.

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